world closing in
dark and dinning
yesterday feels like today
except for different
tomorrow looms
with much the same
i have no need of angels
or demons
grand trumpets
lofty cathedrals
and/or pretty glass
i just need
a little.. something
to remind me
i am more than
fingers on keys
resume title
space filler
outside the office window
thunder rumbles
rain slashes
worlds change
but somewhere
deep in the nether
hope springs
from soul lyrics
dark and dinning
yesterday feels like today
except for different
tomorrow looms
with much the same
i have no need of angels
or demons
grand trumpets
lofty cathedrals
and/or pretty glass
i just need
a little.. something
to remind me
i am more than
fingers on keys
resume title
space filler
outside the office window
thunder rumbles
rain slashes
worlds change
but somewhere
deep in the nether
hope springs
from soul lyrics